Thursday, September 27, 2012

Getting Better Sounds Great

What exactly does a girl who writes about extraordinarily rough sex have to say about bullying?  I mean really…really…come on.  We’re already all irritated by the constant flow of Facebook posts about animal rescues, gun control, pink ribbons, rainbow ribbons, donate to Obama to keep the Nazis from the White House, donate to Romney to keep the Commies from the White house, and a slew of other causes.  Each post ends with “repost if you believe women shouldn’t be bludgeoned, raped, and spit upon by hate-mongering monsters” or some other call to action designed to make inaction guilt-inspiring. It’s irritating as hell.

So why bullying?  So, why am I going to put up my own cause post?  Shouldn’t I stick to explaining in graphic detail how it feels for one of my heroines to find herself on her knees with an unexpected cock in her throat terrifying her with real concern she won’t ever breathe again? “Come on Regina!  You can really describe a prick slamming into an ass with no warning so your character is right in the middle of a hard and rough double penetration.  That’s what we want from you!”

Yeah, yeah.  I know.  I promise I’ll write a whole lot more of that stuff.  In fact, I have a gangbang queued up right now and am putting the finishing touches on a pretty vicious…what?  NO!  The gangbang isn’t AT any location and you can’t join in!  I mean I have a gangbang story about to be published.  Put your clothes back on!  My goodness!  All I’m saying is that I know I’m not a political analyst, a social pundit, or an advocate for anything.  I’m an erotica writer, and that’s what I plan to do.

However, have any of you tried to tell Molly Synthia no?  It’s just about impossible.  She told me to write a post about, and when Molly says to write a post that’s what I do.  I’m glad I did.  For a hell of a long time, I’ve believed we approach bullying from the wrong perspective.  We almost always focus all of our resources and efforts on preventing, punishing, and educating bullies.  I just don’t think it will ever work.  There will always be bullies, especially among kids.  The problem is that the tools for bullying have been dramatically upgraded.  Now, a click of a mouse can change one or two asshole football players into viral-video producing monsters. 

The environment has changed, but our approach hasn’t.  We still focus on trying to convince bullies not to bully.  I think it’s a lost cause.  I think most bullies don’t comprehend the harm they do, and when we try to warn and convince them; it’s about as effective as telling kids not to have sex or not to drink.  The consequences now, though, are so much greater than they were just fifteen years ago.  What I like about is the focus the organization places on helping victims of bullying get through it.  I find it strange that it’s such a unique approach when it seems so obvious it’s the right thing to do.

It used to be the place of parents to help their kids figure out how to deal with bullies.  For most of history, that meant teaching your son to box.  Usually, a confronted bully is finished.  Today, though, even a successful confrontation won’t stop the internet, and things go viral without warning. focuses on kids who are either unsure of their sexual orientation of certain that their sexual orientation is not heterosexual.  Many of these kids are not yet able to have an open conversation with their parents.  It’s tough enough being in junior high or high school.  Imagine having a problem and having nobody to talk with about it.

Many kids end up in despair, and they desperately need to hear that it does indeed get better.  Tune in the The Naughty Slot tonight and you’ll get a chance to hear what this fabulous organization does.  Finally, (drum roll, please…) Miss Molly has authorized me to give away fifty copies of my best-selling and very rough erotica collection Rough and Reluctant by Regina.  It runs $2.99 on amazon, so all I’m asking is that you donate a buck or two to  Instead of me getting the money, the organization does.  So, you can help kids out while you turn yourself on.  Isn’t that the best way to get off?

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